divendres, de novembre 30, 2007

John Kacere vs. Lost in Translation (sofia Coppola)

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divendres, de novembre 16, 2007

Respecto al Anuncio de Sony Bravia

Yo soy muy fan de un estudio llamado KOZYNDAN y sorprendentemente el anuncio de Sony Bravia se parece mucho, muchíssimo a una de sus ilustraciones, os la posteo, a ver qué opináis:
Title: What's next, USA-chan?

Qué se hace en una situación cómo ésta?? … estoy indignada!!!
Os adjunto la respuesta de KOZYNDAN.
"Its hard to think that people at Passion Pictures did not have this early panoramic of ours in mind when they created this new spot for the SONY Bravia line.

To add insult to injury, someone from Passion Pictures contacted us almost two years ago asking to see samples of our work (including this panoramic) as they were interested in working with us. We sent them samples and then heard nothing from them ever again. (It should be noted though, that the more likely culprit is the ad firm who hired Passion Pictures, Fallon)

Still, its a clever ad."

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dimarts, de novembre 13, 2007

Malsons d'un dissenyador…

… realment és un video que posa en manifest tot allò que aterra a un creatiu!
(Vía: make my logo bigger cream)

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dimarts, de novembre 06, 2007

Trailer de la darrera peli de Michel Gondry

No comment…!

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